VASSI docents Edgars Vīgants Enerģētikas drošības komisijā
29. aprīlī tika izveidota prezidenta veidotā Enerģētikas drošības komisija, kuras viens no biedriem ir VASSI docents Edgars Vīgants.
“Energoresursi, to pieejamības nodroš
Final event of the study course “Biotechonomy”
Institute of Energy Systems and Environment (Riga Technical University - RTU) organized closing event of the study course “Biotechonomy” on 27th of April in 2016. Event was held in the framework of a development of a training cou
An international seminar “Is Biotechonomy Development Attractive for Nordic Countries and Baltic States?”
In 26th April Nordic Council of Ministers in Latvia in cooperation with Riga Technical University are organizing a seminar “Is Biotechonomy Development Attractive for Nordic Countries and Baltic States”. In seminar there will be
Study "Biotechonomy" online
Institute of Energy Systems and Environment invites everyone who is interested to participate in the online study course Biotechonomy.
Biotechonomy is a story about local bioresources and technological solutions for their extraction, preparation, treatment and pro