Academic Bachelor Study

The academic bachelor study programme „Environmental Science” is focused on training and education of the students, providing them with an in-depth knowledge of the engineering and technical issues required for work at different  enterprises and state administration entities. The environmental management specialists who are able to ensure environmentally friendly and sustainable management according to the EU standards are demanded on the labour market.

The highly qualified academic personnel (EU experts in the field of environmental protection, environmental management and energy) as well as scientists and academicians from the leading Scandinavian and Baltic State technical universities are involved in the implementation of the study programme.

The bachelor study programme is based on the following study courses’ units:

  • Fundamental (compulsory) courses (mathematics, physics, chemistry, materials science, mechanics, etc.) provide understanding about the essence, structure, elements and internal and external interconnections of engineering and technical processes;
  • Domain-specific study courses (Raw Materials and Resources, Theoretical Aspects of Climate Technologies, Basics of Ecological Research, Environmental Protection and Recycling Processes, etc.) establish the necessary competence required to work with the assessment methods of technological systems and optimization possibilities. These courses help understand if the development trends of national economy are implemented in compliance with the best environmental governance principles, latest scientific achievements and sustainable development principles.

A multi-sectoral approach to the implementation of the study programme is applied – theoretical knowledge gained during the studies is applied during the practical classes and course works for solving and analyzing the real problematic situations at the enterprises and state administration institutions. 

Overall objective of the Academic Bachelor Study Programme in Environmental Science is to train and educate multi-profile and highly qualified specialists with the integrated academic education and ability of systematic thinking in the area of environmental engineering and implementation of green technologies. 

Tasks of study programm:

  1. To ensure constant improvement of quality of environmental education and to train and educate highly qualified specialists for the private and public sector;
  2. To develop scientific researches in the field of environmental systems and technologies;
  3. To adapt technologies developed in the foreign countries for the local conditions implementing the pilot projects;
  4. To develop scientific researches, which might be used for the improvement of environmental policy and for the development of new one; 
  5. To implement innovative projects focused on the resource consumption and environmental pollution reduction.

Learning outcomes:

  • complete understanding of a system, the whole-part relationships within it and interaction of its elements;
  • knowledge required to analyze and evaluate processes and technologies from engineering, economic, environmental and social aspects;
  • knowledge and proficiency in the development of new material and intellectual values for environmental science;
  • full understanding of environmental management systems, environmental standards (for ex. ISO 14000 or EMAS), auditing schemes, Eco-certification and Eco-labeling, etc.
  • proficiency in developing scientific researches and ability to provide consultancies in the area of green technologies, climate change processes, waste management, cleaner production, heating systems, energy efficiency, etc.
  • proficiency in using computing and modelling tools in the study processes and scientific activities.

The final work assessment consists of:

The thesis final rating calculation algorithm is as follows:

A = 0.6 x( sum Ai/i) + 0.4 x Ar


A - The final work final score;

Ai – individual rating of the final work committee member;

i - number of committee members;

Ar - the final work reviewer score.






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