Articles -
Thursday, 10 October 2013 12:53 |
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Pieci RTU VASSI mācībspēki septembra pēdējo nedēļu pavadīja Kazahstānā, īstenojot inovatīvu apmācības pieeju maģistrantūras studentu un pasniedzēju apmācībā. Vizītes laikā pieredzi guva ne vien Kazahstānas puses pārstāvji, bet arī VASSI mācībspēki, aprobējot izstrādāto apmācību metodi. Tāpat tika arī iezīmēti turpmākās sadarbības virzieni zinātniski pētnieciskajā un akadēmiskajā darbā. Apmācības tika veiktas Tempus programmas projekta Green Engine ietvaros.
Read more... [RTU akadēmiskais personāls Kazahstānā apmāca studentus un pasniedzējus]
Articles -
54th RTU conference
Wednesday, 10 July 2013 11:27 |
- About the conference
The Environmental Engineering Session of the Riga Technical University 54th International Scientific Conference “Environmental and Climate Technologies” will be held 14-16 October 2013. The Conference has been envisaged as a regular scientific forum and its main aim is to acquaint researchers with achievements in the area of energy systems and environmental engineering and to give the scientists, especially PhD students, an opportunity to publish the results of their research.
International scientific conference "Environmental and Climate Technologies" is traditionally held for several years, bringing together scientists and researchers from different countries. An overview of the scientific conference “Environmental and Climate Technologies 2012” can be found here.
The conference is organized within the project "Ecohousing".
- Call for papers
Topic of Interest for the year 2013: Development of low carbon emission technologies
Climate change is one of the topics that lately causes the most interest and concern among all environmental problems raising heated discussions among scientists, politicians, and practitioners, as well as within society as a whole. The Environmental engineering session of the year 2013 will be devoted to the mitigation of climate change, focusing to the development of low carbon emission technologies. Scientists and practitioners reflect the development of low carbon emission technologies – pure technological solutions for the utilization of non-fossil energy sources and increasing energy efficiency.
Besides the topic listed above, the conference is open for any contributions related to environmental engineering. A variety of themes will be covered through a multi-disciplinary approach which integrates all aspects of environmental science:
sustainability of technology development, cleaner production, zero emission technologies, end of pipe production, eco-design, life cycle analysis, eco-efficiency, environmental impact assessment, environmental management systems, greenhouse gas emission reduction and climate technologies, waste management, renewable energy sources, solar, wind, geothermal, hydroenergy, biomass sources: algae, wood, straw, biogas, energetic plants and organic waste, methodologies of the evaluation of sustainability, quality of outdoor and indoor environment, environmental monitoring and evaluation.
Manuscripts are expected to be submitted at Online Submission System. Scientific articles will be peer-reviewed and once a manuscript will be accepted for publication, it will undergo language copyediting in order to provide the highest possible publication quality. Formatting rules for the articles are attached below.
Best submitted articles will be published in the international scientific journal of RTU "Environmental and Climate Technologies".The print version of the journal is published by RTU Press and the electronic version by Versita.
- CGS Session
Special session "“Geological storage of CO2 as a way to reduce carbon footprint”
Organized in collaboration with CGS Europe project
Returning the carbon originally extracted in the form of coal, oil or gas back deep underground can help to mitigate the current situation of large CO2emissions disturbing the atmosphere and contributing to climate change and ocean acidification. The technology of Carbon capture and storage (CCS) consists of capturing CO2 at coal or gas-fired power stations and industrial plants, then transporting it by pipeline or ship to a storage location. Finally, it is injected via a well into a suitably deep geological formation for long-term storage. CCS might provide the time needed to create a bridge to a worldwide economy based on renewable and cleaner energy.
The legal framework was set out by the European Directive on the geological storage of carbon dioxide in 2009, demonstration projects are underway and new ones are starting, so the uncertainties related to both the availability and distribution of storage capacity need to be reduced and knowledge of the rock properties and geological processes in various subsurface conditions needs to be improved. To facilitate the knowledge sharing and distribution and to better coordinate their research plans, leading European research institutes involved in CO2 storage research have formed the CO2GeoNet association which has now gained additional support by an FP7 coordination action called CGS Europe. This is an infrastructure to share experiences, discuss the problems, to provide objective information to stakeholders and to map the research needs.
CO2GeoNet is the European scientific body on CO2 geological storage. It currently comprises 13 public research institutes from 7 European countries, and brings together over 300 researchers with the multidisciplinary expertise. With activities encompassing joint research, training, scientific advice, information and communication, CO2GeoNet has a valuable and independent role to play in enabling the efficient and safe geological storage of CO2. CO2GeoNet was created in 2004 as a Network of Excellence supported by the EC FP6 programme for 5 years. In 2008, CO2GeoNet became a non-profit association under French law. More about CO2GeoNet at or
From 2013, the membership of CO2GeoNet is expanding thanks to the support of the FP7 CGS Europe project.
CGS Europe is a networking project that pools together the expertise of 34 key research institutes in the area of CO2 geological storage across 28 countries (24 European member states and 4 associated countries). Funded by the EC FP7 programme, it builds upon the networking and integration experience of CO2GeoNet with the ultimate goal of providing an independent, scientific, pan-European platform and reference source where national, European and international experts, institutes and regulators can access the most up-to-date results of CO2 storage-related studies, share experiences and good practices, discuss the implementation of regulations, identify research needs to face upcoming challenges, and build new projects. More about CGS Europe at
Tuesday, October 15
Global Climate Change and the Options Humanity is Going to Have
N. Riley, CO2GeoNet-BGS, United Kingdom
Introduction to the technology of CO2 capture and geological storage as part of the special CGS Europe session on CCS
C. Vincent, British Geological Survey, United Kingdom
State of Play of CO2 Storage in European Countries – a CGS Europe Inventory
H. Rűtters, BGR, Germany
Geological Storage Capacity as a Vital Resource – Exploration Stages and Estimation Methodologies
B. Saftic, UNIZG-RGNF, Croatia
Bastor2 - Halftime Report on Findings
P. A. Nilsson, Panaware, Sweden
Coffee break
CCS Prospects in Lithuania and the Need for Coordinated Near- and Far-Cross-Border Scenarios
S. Sliaupa, GTC, Lithuania
Geological Conditions and Opportunities of CCS in Latvia
U. Nulle State Ltd. Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre, Latvia
Principal Concepts of CO2 Geological Storage: from Rock Sampling to Coupled Time-Lapse Petrophysical and Seismic Numerical Modeling. Case Study of Prospective Onshore and Offshore Structures in Latvia
K. Shogenov, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Research on Development of Latvian Energy Sector. Impact Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Processes
J. Gušča, Riga Technical University, Latvia
- Conference materials
Electronical version of Conference Abstract Book
The full text articles will be published in Special Conference Issue of International Scientific Journal "Environmental and Climate Technologies". Best articles will be published in the International Scientific Journal "Environmental and Climate Technologies" Issue 11 or Issue 12.
Conference presentations
October 15, Session "Sustainable Usage of Resources"
Cilinskis E., Why Latvian society does not accept Green Policies?
Mi-Hyun J., Jai-Young L., Effect of Modified Mechanical Treatment Facilities on SRF Yield in Korea
Vaizene V., Technologies for Decreasing Mining Losses
Vaizene V., Pilot Unit for Mining Waste Reduction Methods
Brazdausks P., Influence of Biomass Pretreatment Process Time on Furfural Extraction from Birch Wood
October 15, Session "Geological Storage of CO2 as a Way to Reduce Carbon Footprint"
Vincent C., Introduction to the Technology of CO2 capture and geological storage
Report: State of play on CO2 geological storage in 28 European countries
Saftic B., Geological Storage Capacity as a Vital Resource-Exploration Stage and Estimation Methodologies
Nilsson P.A., Bastor2-Halftime Report on Findings
Shegenov K., Principal Concepts of CO2 Geological storage
Gusca J., Research on Development of Latvian Energy Sector
October 16, Session "Development of Low Carbon Technologies"
Zevenhoven R., Two methods for direct flue gas decarbonation with seprentine minerals
Lapinskiene G., Environmental Kuznets Curve-Empirical Analyses of Additional factors Impacting GHG in European Countries
Grege-Staltmane E., Development of Evaluation Methodology for Carbon Dioxide Emissions in production Processes
Grabaak I., Nordic Power Road map 2050: Strategic Choices Toward Carbon Neutrality
Mediastika C., Degrading Indoor Noise Levels using Occupant`s Perception
Zagorskas J., Energetic Refurbishment of Historic Brick Buildings
Zogla G., Energy Efficiency Improvement Potential in Historical Brick Building
- Contacts
If you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact a Conference organizers Ieva Pakere,
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or Kristīne Dobrāja,
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Phone: + 371 67089923; Fax: + 371 67089908
- Committee
Section Chair: Gatis Bažbauers
Scientific Committee:
Dagnija Blumberga, Riga Technical University, Latvia Ivars Veidenbergs, Riga Technical University, Latvia Gatis Bažbauers, Riga Technical University, Latvia Conrad Luttropp, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Vytautas Martinaitis, Vilnius Technical University, Lithuania Andres Siirde, Tallinn Technical University, Estonia Māris Kļaviņš, University of Latvia, Latvia Andra Blumberga, Riga Technical University, Latvia Kārlis Valters, Riga Technical University, Latvia Marika Rošā, Riga Technical University, Latvia Francesco Romagnoli, Riga Technical University, Latvia Ion Valente Ion, "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Romania Radhi K. Al-Rashidi, University of Baghdad, Iraq Jurgis Zagorskas, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania Juri-Rivaldo Pastarus, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia Iryna Rubezhniak, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine Jai-Young Lee, University of Seoul in Korea, Korea Olena Shelimanova, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine Ümran Tezcan Ün, Anadolu University, Turkey Hüseyin Topal, Gazi University, Turkey Anton Kolodynski, University of Latvia, Latvia Ingo Valgma, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia Veiko Karu, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Organizing Committee:
Dagnija Blumberga, Riga Technical University, Latvia Jūlija Gušča, Riga Technical University, Latvia Kristīne Dobrāja, Riga Technical University, Latvia Silvija-Nora Kalniņš, Riga Technical University, Latvia Ieva Pakere, Riga Technical University, Latvia
- Program
The conference program can be found here.
Important! Small changes has be made regarding the programm on October 16. In case of any problemas, please contact ieva.pakere[@]
Last Updated on Thursday, 05 December 2013 12:21 |
Articles -
Wednesday, 28 August 2013 09:02 |
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Vides zinātni un līdzīgas programmas apgūst ap 900 studentu septiņās Latvijas augstākās izglītības iestādēs. 23.-25.augustā atpūtas bāzē „Leiputrija” notika pirmais tieši šiem studentiem veltīts seminārs „Atbildīga saimniekošana”, kurš pulcēja kopā gandrīz 40 vides zinātnes studentu no Rīgas, Jelgavas, Rēzeknes, Daugavpils, Liepājas un Olaines.
Semināra ietvaros dalībniekiem bija iespēja iepazīt līdzīgi domājošus jauniešus, kam rūp apkārtējā vide un tās uzlabošana. Studenti prezentēja savas mācību iestādes vides programmas, to galvenos mācību virzienus un diskutēja par iespējamajiem uzlabojumiem mācību kvalitātē.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 28 August 2013 09:49 |
Read more... [Vides zinātnes studenti apvienojušies kopīgā seminārā]