Scientific projects

Institute of Energy Systems and Environment

Scientific projects E-mail

Project “Compact solar and pellet module”
Project “System Thinking Integration in Environmental Policy”
IZM-RTU scientific research project „Modelling of Solar Combisystems for Heating Systems of One-family House”
IZM-RTU scientific research project „Optimisation of Distributed Energy Generation”
FP 6 financial instument, a subproject BioNorm II - ”Pre-normative research on solid biofuels for improved European standarts”

Intelligent Energy Europe program, conference „NorthSun 2007”
Nordic Energy Research program, subproject “BioH2 - Renewable production of H2 using biological systems”
Nordic Energy Research program, subproject REBUS - „Competitive Solar Heating Systems for Residential Buildings”

European Economic Area financial Mechanism
Program “Environmental policy and integration of Latvia”
Subproject “Compact solar and pellet module”

Project information

In August, 2009 Riga Technical University Institute of Energy Systems and Environment in cooperation with three Latvian companies SIA "Grandeg", SIA "VIA – S”, and SIA “SUN Investments" launched project "Compact solar and granular module" funded by the European Economic Area financial Mechanism.
A compact heating system on joint operation of solar collectors and pellet boiler will be developed and created in the framework of the project. This system is aimed to provide heat for space heating and domestic hot water in a private house.
At the end of project the developed system will be mounted for one multi-family house to cover its heat demand.

Progress of the project

RTU VASSI scientific personnel in cooperation with project partners have agreed on technical specifications of the system. The work on the project test prototype development has started. This will help to verify the theoretical system on small-scale.
Procurement of the necessary equipment and facilities has already started. It is planned that first operation data of the system will come soon so the necessary improvements and adjustments in the demonstration project can be made.
RTU VASSI scientific personnel has definite requirements that will be applied to select a multi-apartment building where the demonstration project will be installed. These requirements include both specific system and environment and sustainable development requirements.

European Economic Area financial Mechanism
Program “Environmental policy integration in Latvia”
Subproject “System Thinking Integration in Environmental Policy”

Project information
In May, 2009 Riga Technical University Institute of Energy Systems and Environment in cooperation with University of Bergen launched project "System Thinking Integration in Environmental Policy" funded by the European Economic Area financial Mechanism.
International scientists’ network will be created during the project to develop environmental policy evaluation methodology. Integrated evaluation methodology including wide range of tools, i.e. system dynamics and modelling tools, system thinking tools will be prepared and tested. At the end of the project a training for policy makers and state and municipal officials on methodology use will be organized.

Progress of the project
International scientists’ network involving scientists from RTU and University of Bergen has been created. Three environmental problems that are important in Latvia have been put forward within the framework of the project. These problems will be solved using instruments of system thinking and system dynamics; causal loop diagrams, computer models etc will be developed. The software for creating diagrams and models has been already installed. Project partners have already launched the research and modelling of problems.

IZM-RTU scientific research project „Modelling of Solar Combisystems for Heating Systems of One-family House”

In 2007 Institute of Energy Systems and Environment realized the project with objective - provide heating system for one-family house improving the combisystems of renewable resources (Solar and pellet boiler).
Project was continuing the development of idea of maximal Solar energy use for one-family house heating systems, which started in REBUS Project in framework of Nordic Energy research programme. Project allowed to start pilotproject for optimal technical solution of Solar energy use which is first step to the way of production of innovative Solar energy technology systems.
Project contributed the reduction of GHG emissions and gave both sustainable practical and scientific results: modelling and simulation of low temperature heating systems; optimal control strategies and heat storage technologies.

IZM-RTU scientific research project „Optimisation of Distributed Energy Generation”

In 2008 Institute of Energy Systems and Environment implemented the project the aim of which was to study the possibilities of distributed energy generation optimization and its potential in Latvia. Assessment algorithm of distributed energy system was developed, potential of distributed energy generation was estimated, and operation of small-scale gas CHP in conditions of partial load was studied within the framework of the project.
As a result of the project there was made an estimation of distributed energy system from technical, economical and environmental aspects using the developed algorithm and also the assessment of development potential of distributed energy generation was given.

FP 6 financial instument, a subproject BioNorm II - ”Pre-normative research on solid biofuels for improved European standarts”

Project duration: January 2007 – December 2009, 25 partners from Germany, Italy, Austria, Sweden, Belgium, Finland, Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Greece, and Latvia. The overall objective of BioNorm II project is it to support the ongoing standardization efforts especially for the development of improved solid biofuel specifications concerning specifications given by the combustion unit, and rules for conformity of the products with their specified requirements.
The project results are not yet finalized due to the continuation of the project implementation. The full report on project results will be available by January 2010 at the website As a result of project RTU Institute of Energy Systems and Environment did the testing of biofuels’ physical and chemical properties, combustion related properties and also took part in the development of conformity rules for solid biofuels.

Intelligent Energy Europe program, conference „NorthSun 2007”

Conference - Riga, Latvia, 30th May - 1st June 2007, organized by RTU Institute of Energy Systems and Environment.
The three days conference was addressed to new scientific research results and the newest knowledge about solar energy applications in Northern latitudes. A lot of the solar research and development of new products is being produced in these Northern hemisphere countries.
The aim of the conference was to share the newest experiences among NorthSun community in order to kick off a process for further development in this part of Europe. The aim was also to increase awareness of different sectors about solar energy in order to further increase that share of the renewable energy source.
Participants included architects, engineers, scientists, designers, manufactures, suppliers, developers, builders, investors and entrepreneurs dealing with the solar energy sectors.

Nordic Energy Research program, subproject “BioH2 - Renewable production of H2 using biological systems”

Project duration: 2007 – 2010, 11 partners from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia and Latvia.
The Nordic BioH2 project is a basic/fundamental science project with a clear vision – renewable H2, directly or indirectly, from solar energy using biological systems. In the short period this project is not directly relevant to the existing energy infrastructure or system in the Nordic countries. However, in the future, when H2 may be the major energy carrier, we need to have environmentally friendly systems to produce H2 from primary energy sources.
Solar energy and water are endless resources and if the vision of BioH2 comes through, renewable H2, directly or indirectly from solar energy and water, this would have enormous impact on the energy sector.

Nordic Energy Research program, subproject REBUS - „Competitive Solar Heating Systems for Residential Buildings”

Project duration: 2003 – 2006, 11 partners (research institutions and companies) from Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Latvia.
The REBUS project had two major aims: Research/development and education. The goal was to develop solar thermal systems that can compete with conventional energy sources on a commercial basis.
The project has resulted in an excellent cooperation between the universities active in the solar heating field in the Nordic and Baltic countries, both with regard to educational and research activities. Further, the project has resulted in an excellent cooperation between universities and main industry partners in the solar heating field. It is believed that the cooperation will be continued in the future. Further, the project has resulted in a number of well educated skilled experts in the solar heating field.
New improved solar heating system concepts have been developed in the project. The thermal performances as well as the energy savings for these improved concepts have been measured in practice. It is expected that these new solar heating systems soon will be brought onto the market by the industry partners and that the documentation of the thermal performance and the energy savings of the systems in practice will be extremely important for the industry in their efforts to promote the solar heating systems.

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