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Course Metrology (metroloģija)
Code EAS301
Credit points 3
ECTS credit points 4,5
Load (hours) 48
Science sector Enviromental science
Lectures 16
Practical work 16
Laboratory work 16
Semester 3
Course home page

Author of the course Invited lecturers Authors of practical works Claudio Rochas
( Šī e-pasta adrese ir aizsargāta pret mēstuļošanu (spam), Jums ir jābūt aktivizētam Javascript, lai to aplūkotu ) Ivars Veidenbergs Claudio Rochas
M.Sc. Aivars Žandeckis

Aim of the course
The aim of this course is to provide basic knowledge concerning physical-technical measurement of:
  • Temperature
  • Flow rates
  • Meteorological quantities like wind speed and direction, solar radiation, relative humidity, etc…
  • Flue gas concentrations
  • Electricity consumption

The course focuses on the description and working principles of the methods used for measurements of the above mentioned quantities and properties. Particular attention is paid to the physical description of the specific instruments and sensors. The course deals as well as with the description of practical applications in the field of environmental and energy engineering, providing the students with examples, case studies and simple economical analysis applied to measurements.

As critical and important part of metrology, the course covers as well as data analysis and estimation of measurement uncertainty and error. Finally, a particular section of the course is dedicated at covering the basic aspects of legal metrology.


Expected results
After the end of the course the student should be able:
  • To have a basic understanding of important parameters in metrology, like for example sensitivity and sensitivity error, measurement range, precision,accuracy, resolution, offset, linearity, hysteresis and response time
  • To be able to select the right measurement instrument for a specific application
  • To be able to carry out and install simple data collection systems for monitoring projects in the field of environmental and energy engineering
  • To be able to process and assess the quality of measured data in the field of environmental and energy engineering
  • To have basic knowledge of legal metrology, in particular addressed to metering of electricity, heat, gas and water.
  1. General introduction to metrology (2 hr)
  2. Temperature measurements (2 hr)
  3. Flow rate measurements (2 hr)
  4. Measurements of meteorological data (2 hr)
  5. Measurements of concentration in flue gas streams (4 hr)
  6. Measurement of electricity consumption by electrical systems (4 hr)
  7. Fundaments of legal metrology (2 hr)
Laboratories and practical work
  1. Temperature measurements (6 hr)
  2. ThermoLab (8hr)
a. Time response measurement of thermocouple sensors
b. Measurement of thermal diffusivity with non-contact method and thermocouple
3. FlowRateLab (8hr)
a. Flow rate measurement using ultrasonic portable flow meter
b. Flow measurement using electromagnetic flow meters
4. FlueGasLab (8hr)
a. Measurement of flue gas concentrations using electrocells gas analyser
b. Measurement of flue gas concentrations using Non-dispersive infrared absorption method and Paramagnetic behavior of oxygen

Requirements and credits
Basic courses in calculus, physics, chemistry and electro technique. English - at least B1 level.
Attendance to the lectures is not mandatory but strongly recommended.
Attendance to the laboratory is mandatory.
To pass the course is necessary:
  1. To handle all reports on practical works / laboratories
  2. To present the practical works / laboratories during the workshops
  3. Mid term verification
  4. Final exam
  1. Connie L. Dotson. Fundament of Dimentional Metrology. 2006, Delmar Cengage Learning; 5 edition 656 pages ISBN-10: 1418020621
  2. Jay L. Bucher (Editor). The Metrology Handbook. 2004 ASQ Quality Press; 544 pages ISBN-10: 0873896203
  3. L. Michalski Temperature measurements. 2001, John Wiley and Sons, 518 pages ISBN 0471867799
  4. Peter R. N. Childs, Practical Temperature Measurement. 2001, Elsevier, 368 pages ISBN 075065080X
  5. E. Hardy. Flow Measurement Methods and Applications. 1999, Wiley-IEEE, 264 pages ISBN 0471245097
  6. Roger C. Baker. An Introductory Guide to Flow Measurement. 2002, John Wiley and Sons, 154 pages ISBN 1860583482
  7. J.C.Drury, Ultrasonic Flaw Detection for Technicians - 3rd Edition. 2004, Paperback, 250 Pages.
  8. Fred V. Brock, Scott, J. Richardson. Meteorological Measurement Systems. 2001, Oxford University Press US, 304 pages ISBN 0195134516
  9. M. Grabe. Measurement Uncertainties in Science and Technology. 2005, XII, 269 p. 47 illus., Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-540-20944-7
  10. Directive 2004/22/EC on Measuring Instruments (MID)
  11. Course notes

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