The main research field of the Environmental monitoring laboratory is performance of solid fuel tests.
We offer determination of the following fuel parameters according to LVS CEN/TS standards: - moisture content, - ash content, - highest calorific value, - lowest calorific value, - bulk density.
Additional parameters that can be determined for pellets are: - mechanical durability, - particle size distribution, amount of fines (<3,15 mm).
It is possible to determine the amount (weight percent) of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen in solid fuels using gas chromatography analysis.
The laboratory is also equipped to make performance tests for low capacity heating boilers. The parameters that are determined by this approach are: - Boiler efficiency (using direct and indirect methods), - Composition and parameters of flue gases (O2, CO2, CO, NOx, PM, temperature), - Water flow parameters (temperature, flow rate, heating capacity), - Fuel consumption.
Contact us: Environmental monitoring laboratory Kronvalda boul. 1- room 022 Riga, LV-1010
Tel.:+371 67089943 Fax: +371 67089908 E-mail:
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