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Conference „Life Cycle Assessment for biodiesel production in Latvia” PDF Drukāt E-pasts:

Despite the fact that biodiesel fuel has been well known in Latvia for many years, its specific use for transport field never exceeded 1% of the total fuel consumption. One of the main reasons for this is the stereotypes that rule in the society about biodiesel fuel production, its impact on the environment and vehicles.
Institute of Energy Systems and Environment in cooperation with Soros Foundation Latvia has developed an evaluation for biodiesel fuel production in Latvia in order to define real impacts of it. Results of the performed researched will be presented at the conference that will take place on November 24th, 2010 starting from 9:30am, at EEF premises at 1 Kronvalda boulevard.

Download the program.
Register for participation online here


Sākums Info for Students Course description Jaunumi Conference „Life Cycle Assessment for biodiesel production in Latvia”
Lapa pēdējoreiz atjaunota:Piektdiena 04 Marts 2011, 12:31