On Septemer 15th and 16th a workshop “Current and future woody biomass for energy – Monitoring use and understanding technology” took place in the Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia. The workshop was organized by the Institute of Energy Systems and Enviroment of Riga Technical university in cooperation with The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Swedish Forest Agency, and un the Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia.
The workshop “Current and future woody biomass for energy – Monitoring use and understanding technology” was hosted by the Latvian Ministry of Agriculture in Riga on 15-16 September. The meeting was organized by RTU, the UNECE/FAO Timber Section and FAO Subregional Office for Central and Eastern Europe. It was supported by the Swedish Ministry o Agriculture.
In the light of the EU needs to achieve a level of 20% of share of energy consumptions from renewable by 2020 appears evident the fundamental role plays in the national policy promotion by the woody biomass. These policies are having consequences on traditional forest products markets and presenting challenges to mobilize supplies of biomass.
EU Member Countries need to complete and prepare their own National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) by the end of June 2010. All the Countries respond to Joint Wood energy Enquiry (JWEE) as an advantage in preparing the NREAP. The scenario proposed in the NREAP needs to face with this time of economic crises, consequently the JWEE seems to be an appropriate instrument for high quality data collection and consequently a solid base for policy makers.
The workshop provides an opportunity for cross-sectoral cooperation and collaboration between stakeholders and institutions. Around 60 participants and 18 speakers from 11 eleven countries were represented from different Organizations, Institutions, Universities, trade associations, private industry and research agencies and centers. The main discussion were related to topics such as: wood energy data quality development, quality of the data provided, assessment of the methodology for the evaluation of the growing demand for wood-based energy and mitigation of climate change by the use of renewables.
Conclusions (not in order of priority) - The JWEE provides a complete data set for the table 7 for the NREAP, - In some countries lacks of communication between different ministries hinders the efficient development of domestic wood energy markets, - difficult to evaluate the significant quantities of wood consumption for energy generation by householders, - Aggregated data are critical for the evaluation.
Recommendations (not in order of priority) - In order to prepare the EU NEARP is required more coordination between all the ministries, the agencies and the institutions involved, - FAO/UNECE working party on Forest Economics and Statistics should develop and disseminate guidelines and best practices for surveys on domestic household wood energy evaluation, - Adequate resources to the national statistical entities for current development of the wood energy markets, - Raising of importance and need of more international workshops on the same topics.
Ieva Lorence Vides aizsardzības un siltuma sistēmu institūts Kronvalda bulvāris 1, LV-1010, Rīga Tel.: +371 67089908 www.videszinatne.lv
Workshop materials are available for download: Presentations (zip file 29.4Mb) Posters (zip file 8.5 Mb) List of participants (pdf file) List of speakers (pdf file) Photos (gallery is coming up) Workshop programme (pdf file) Woodfuel integrated supply/demand overview mapping (wisdom) methodology (pdf file) BioNORM II - Pre-normative research on solid biofuels for improved European standards (pdf file) Model and Action Plan for increasing Latvia’s use of renewable energy resources and energy efficiency (pdf file) Summary and recomendations (Angļu valodā, pdf file)