Institute of Energy Systems and Environment

RTU 52nd scientific conference - succesfully passed E-mail

52nd RTU International Scientific Conference, Section of Environmental and Climate Technologies was held on 12.-13. of October. There were discussed topics such as environment-friendly energy technologies, research of combustion processes, wastewater and flue gas treatment, energy efficiency of buildings and others.

Presentations from the conference can be found at the files attached. Conference proceedings are planned to be published by the end of 2011.

FileDescriptionFile size
IPE&VUC;_VB_VB_NL.pdfWind Energy Potential and Accustic Noise Distribution4577 Kb
LSIWC_AF.pdfRapeseed Oil as Renewable Resource for Polyol Synthesis1118 Kb
LUA_AL_AS.pdfAdaptive Model of Wastewater Aeration Tank1718 Kb
RTU _AS_GB_MR.pdfEnvironmental Impact of Building Materials for the Purpose of Ecodesign324 Kb
RTU _JP_GB_DM.pdfModeling of the Adiabatic and Isothermal Methanation Process136 Kb
RTU_AZ_CR_DB_LT.pdfPossibilities of Utilisation Solar Thermal Energy for Multi-Family Buildings in Latvia1038 Kb
RTU_DZ_MR.pdfAnalysis of Energy Intensive Enterprises under EU ETS in Latvia128 Kb
RTU_ED_DB.pdfAssessment of Refuse Derived Fuel Potential in Latvia245 Kb
RTU_EV_DB_IV.pdfClimate Technology in a Wood Chips Boiler House686 Kb
RTU_FR_IP_DB.pdfLCA of Biogas Production from Marine Macroalgae: a Latvian Scenario527 Kb
RTU_GB_IM.pdfSustainability Analysis of Innovative Transport System115 Kb
RTU_GV_DB.pdfModelling of the District Heating Systems Operation442 Kb
RTU_IL_MR_IDz.pdfApplication of CO2 Taxes for Combustion Installations in Latvia until 2020535 Kb
RTU_JI_IV_AB_JB_LM_AZ.pdfNon-thermal Plasma for VOC Treatment in Flue Gases2563 Kb
RTU_JP_DB_FR_MR.pdfAnalysis of EIA of Power Energy Projects in Latvia274 Kb
RTU_KS_VK_AZ_CR_AB.pdfNOx Controll in Small Capacity Pellet Boilers714 Kb
TUC_ES_AE_OP_DP_EP.pdfRemoval of Phenols from the Water Effluents of Olive Presses173 Kb
TUC_MK_KD_ME.pdfNight Ventialtion Efficiency in Urban Environment: Technical and Legal Aspects1175 Kb
UL_OK.pdfSet–up of Geometrical Network of Sustainable Streams954 Kb
VGTU_DB_EJ.pdfFinancing Energy Efficiency Improvements in Existing Residential Buildings1056 Kb
VGTU_GS_VM.pdf Numerical Simulation for Operation Modes of Heat Storage Tank in CHP Plant272 Kb
VGTU_KV_VM.pdfAnalysis of Energy Efficiency of University Buildings1225 Kb
VUC_LG_NJ_AT.pdfParametric Studies for Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Simulations1110 Kb


Site last modified: Friday 02 December 2011, 15:57