IPE&VUC;_VB_VB_NL.pdf | Wind Energy Potential and Accustic Noise Distribution | 4577 Kb |
LSIWC_AF.pdf | Rapeseed Oil as Renewable Resource for Polyol Synthesis | 1118 Kb |
LUA_AL_AS.pdf | Adaptive Model of Wastewater Aeration Tank | 1718 Kb |
RTU _AS_GB_MR.pdf | Environmental Impact of Building Materials for the Purpose of Ecodesign | 324 Kb |
RTU _JP_GB_DM.pdf | Modeling of the Adiabatic and Isothermal Methanation Process | 136 Kb |
RTU_AZ_CR_DB_LT.pdf | Possibilities of Utilisation Solar Thermal Energy for Multi-Family Buildings in Latvia | 1038 Kb |
RTU_DZ_MR.pdf | Analysis of Energy Intensive Enterprises under EU ETS in Latvia | 128 Kb |
RTU_ED_DB.pdf | Assessment of Refuse Derived Fuel Potential in Latvia | 245 Kb |
RTU_EV_DB_IV.pdf | Climate Technology in a Wood Chips Boiler House | 686 Kb |
RTU_FR_IP_DB.pdf | LCA of Biogas Production from Marine Macroalgae: a Latvian Scenario | 527 Kb |
RTU_GB_IM.pdf | Sustainability Analysis of Innovative Transport System | 115 Kb |
RTU_GV_DB.pdf | Modelling of the District Heating Systems Operation | 442 Kb |
RTU_IL_MR_IDz.pdf | Application of CO2 Taxes for Combustion Installations in Latvia until 2020 | 535 Kb |
RTU_JI_IV_AB_JB_LM_AZ.pdf | Non-thermal Plasma for VOC Treatment in Flue Gases | 2563 Kb |
RTU_JP_DB_FR_MR.pdf | Analysis of EIA of Power Energy Projects in Latvia | 274 Kb |
RTU_KS_VK_AZ_CR_AB.pdf | NOx Controll in Small Capacity Pellet Boilers | 714 Kb |
TUC_ES_AE_OP_DP_EP.pdf | Removal of Phenols from the Water Effluents of Olive Presses | 173 Kb |
TUC_MK_KD_ME.pdf | Night Ventialtion Efficiency in Urban Environment: Technical and Legal Aspects | 1175 Kb |
UL_OK.pdf | Set–up of Geometrical Network of Sustainable Streams | 954 Kb |
VGTU_DB_EJ.pdf | Financing Energy Efficiency Improvements in Existing Residential Buildings | 1056 Kb |
VGTU_GS_VM.pdf | Numerical Simulation for Operation Modes of Heat Storage Tank in CHP Plant | 272 Kb |
VGTU_KV_VM.pdf | Analysis of Energy Efficiency of University Buildings | 1225 Kb |
VUC_LG_NJ_AT.pdf | Parametric Studies for Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Simulations | 1110 Kb |