Institute of Energy Systems and Environment

Environmental science award 2011 ceremony has successfully passed E-mail
On October 25 in the Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering awards of „Vides zinātnes balva 2011" (Environmental science award 2011) were presented to winners in three different nominations: „Jaunais vides zinātnieks" (New environmental scientist), „Vides zinību skolotājs" (Teacher of environmental science) and „Vides aktīvistu grupa"( Environmental activist group). The competition for the award was great which is why there is a number of shared places.

In the nomination „Jaunais vides zinātnieks" the winner is Agnija Skuja from University of Latvia, the second place is shared between Ilze Dzene and Agris Kamenders both from Riga Technical University. Third place winner is PhD student in University of Latvia Oskars Purmalis.

As every year the competition in nomination „Vides zinību skolotājs" was high, but that shows how happy we should be that there are theachers who care about environment and pass their knowledge on to their students and pupils, nevertheless doing it in an attrectice way like organizing events about environmental protection.
In the first place for nomination „Vides zinību skolotājs" was found Inita Rulle from Rente Primary school, for the second best winner Gunita Meiere from Ēdoles primary school was chosen while the third place was shared between Juris Alps from Jeru elementary school and Anda Deksne from Rūjiena high school.

In the nomination „Vides aktīvistu grupa" the competition was the greatest. After evaluation of all applications the first place went to environmental activists from Jāņumuiža nursery school, the second place was shared between environmental activists from Jeru elementary school and the Union of Latvian Environmental Science Students. The third place went to environmental activists from Daugmale primary school.

The „Vides zinātnes balva 2011" was organized by the Latvian Environmental Science and Educational Council and Ministry af Environmental Protection and Regional Development. The sponsor for the competition was LTD „Ziemeļvidzemes atkritumu apsaimniekošanas organizācija", and supporters were JSC „Latvijas Zaļais punkts", JSC „Latvijas valsts meži", LTD „Zaļā josta", SIA „Jaunpagasts Plus" and association „Dabas koncertzāle".



Site last modified: Friday 02 December 2011, 15:57