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The 3rd International Conference "Environmental Science and Education in Latvia and Europe"

Theme "Education and science for climate change mitigation"

It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the 3rd International Conference "Environmental Science and Education in Latvia and Europe", to be held in Riga, Latvia, on October 23, 2009.

The Conference is being organized by the Latvian Council of Environmental Science and Education (LCESE) and the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Latvia. The theme of the conference is "Education and science for climate change mitigation". The conference will address presentation of new scientific research results, traditional and innovative teaching methods, ways of involvement of the society into environmental activities and exchange of experience in the field of sustainable development, environment and education.
The conference will include a plenary session and a main session.

Abstracts of no more than two A4 page size in English, as a MS Word- file, formatted according to the Abstract template attached, describing the topic should be e-mailed to the Conference Secretariat at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Deadline for submitting abstracts is October 5, 2009. (Please find enclosed Formatting rules for the abstracts).
Accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts, which will be distributed to all participants at the Conference.

Representatives from Latvian and European institutions of scientific research and higher education are welcome to participate as speakers or poster presenters.
The Conference working languages are Latvian and English. Participation in the Conference is free of charge.
Submitted abstracts will be published in the Conference proceedings book.

The Ceremony on presentation of the environmental science award "Vides zinātnes balva 2009" will be held upon conclusion of the conference.
Sharing experiences with colleagues from other countries will enable us to learn from each other, strengthen research cooperation, and develop education for sustainable development.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference,

Dagnija Blumberga
Latvian Council of Environmental Science and Education Chairperson

Register now!


Sākums Pasakumi Konference Vides zinātne un izglītība
Lapa pēdējoreiz atjaunota:Tuesday 08 December 2009, 14:36