Vides aizsardzības un siltuma sistēmu institūts

Library PDF Drukāt E-pasts:
Our own library is offered for students' use. Wide choice of literature in the following topics is available:
  • heat engineering
  • energy
  • alternative energy sources
  • innovative technologies
  • biomass
  • energy efficiency

Books and study materials are provided in Latvian, Russian, and English languages and can be used for development of bachlors, masters, amd Phd theses, as well as additional materials for everyday studies.

Books are available for studying in the library or for takeaway. Please have your valid student ID ready in order to take a book away. For additional information call library staff at 76089908.

Department of Energy and Power Engineering
1 Kronvalda boulevard, room 233

Library catalogue

Pievienotie faili:
NosaukumsAprakstsFaila izmērs
VASSI grāmatu katalogsVASSI bibliotēkā esošais literatūras saraksts388 Kb
Pēdējas izmaiņas Otrdiena, 07 Jūlijs 2009 19:25


Do you separate waste?
Šobrīd tiešsaitē ir 2 viesi 

Lapa pēdējoreiz atjaunota:Ceturtdiena 05 Augusts 2010, 13:00